February 2011: Congo Square (The Musical), by Frank Gagliano, Music by Claibe Richardson, Directed by Marci Woodruff, Musical Direction by Ed Tarzia. Part of the Voodoo Trilogy. Ran February 10-27 and March 8. With Monteze Freeland, Erika Cuenca, and Kevin Brown.
February 2011: In The Voodoo Parlour of Marie Laveau (An Unsung Voodoo Chamber Opera), by Frank Gagliano, Directed by Kim El. Part of the Voodoo Trilogy. Ran February 25 – March 12. With Chrystal Bates, Jennifer Tober, and Mark C. Thompson.
March 2011: The Commedia World of Lafcadio B (a staged reading), written and directed by Frank Gagliano. Part of the Voodoo Trilogy. Ran March 5-8. With Brian Czarniecki, Karen Baum, and Christopher Josephs.

Voodoo Trilogy previews: City Paper, Tribune-Review
Congo Square reviews: City (O’Driscoll), City (Spencer)
Marie Laveau reviews: City Paper, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Voodoo Trilogy commentary: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Playwright Frank Gagliano’s narrative, from the Voodoo Trilogy program
Video interview with Mark Clayton Southers & Monteze Freeland for Pittsburgh Theater Talk

June 2011: King Hedley II, by August Wilson. Directed by Eileen J. Morris. At the August Wilson Center. Ran June 3 – 12. With Benjamin Cain, Chrystal Bates, Kevin Brown, Leslie “Ezra” Smith, Jonas Chaney, and Tyla Abercrumbie.
Full reviews: Post-Gazette, Tribune-Review, City Paper, WRCT.
Previews: Post-Gazette, Tribune-Review
View the program (PDF)
Watch video preview
November 2011: The Eighth Annual Theatre Festival in Black and White, Pittsburgh Playwrights’ signature event. Festival Coordinator: Eric A. Smith. Ran November 25th through December 4th, 2011.
- Felled Family Tree, by Ray Werner. Directed by Lonzo Green.
- In My Sistah’s Closet, by Aasiyah El-Kirk. Directed by Vince Ventura.
- Runcible Spoon, by Constance Humphrey Egan. Directed by Myneesha Miller-King.
- Just Fishin‘, by Kim El. Directed by Hallie Donner.
- Apple Says Yes, by Andre Kimo Stone Guess. Directed by Randy Kovitz.
- I Said Good Night, by Tameka Cage-Conley. Directed by Todd Betker.
- The Balancing of the Budget, by Matt Henderson. Directed by Michael Jackson.
- Shaving Lessons and Half Windsor Knots, by F.J. Hartland. Directed by Ja’Sonta Roberts-Deen.
Reviews: Post-Gazette, New Pittsburgh Courier, City Paper