February 2009: PPTCO produces Angry Black Man Poetry in Europe.
February 2009: Hosted a History’s Flipside production of Martin R. Delaney: The Pittsburgh Years, starring Wali Jamal and directed by Marci Woodruff.
Reviews: City Paper, Post-Gazette, Tribune-Review
March 2009: I Nipoti, by Mark Clayton Southers, directed by Wali Jamal, ran March 12 through March 29. With Tony Bingham, Kevin Brown, Mark Calla, Twanda Clark, Les Howard & Bob Roberts.
Preview: City Paper
Reviews: City Paper, Post-Gazette, Tribune-Review, OutOnline

May 2009: Seven Guitars, by August Wilson, directed by Mark Clayton Southers, ran May 2 through May 24.
With Montae Russell, Jonathan Berry, Teri Bridgett, Wali Jamal, Alan Bomar Jones, Ericka Ratcliff & Genna Styles.
Previews: Post-Gazette, New Pittsburgh Courier, City Paper, Tribune-Review. Poster (opens in new window)
Reviews: Post-Gazette, City Paper
September 2009: Trying, by Joanna McClelland Glass, directed by Michael J. Ramsay, a benefit production that ran September 26-28. With Hal O’Leary and C.J. Farnsworth.
October 2009: The Revenants, by S. Thomasin Barsotti, directed by Mark Whitehead, ran October 16 through October 31. With Makeda Duncan-Parker, Todd E. Betker, David Conley, and Valentina Benrexi.
November 2009: Remounted our 2008 production of Two Trains Running at the August Wilson Center, with some new cast members.