“A comedic work that breaks our hearts just a little”
– Victor C. Leroi, Pittsburgh in the Round
By Michael A. Jones
Directed by Wali Jamal
May 6th – 21st, 2017
It is 2005. Two men cling for life on a rooftop, surrounded by murky water, festered with disease and the unknown. Two women are hundred of miles away, striving to see their dreams of life, love and the pursuit of happiness come to fruition. All of this set against the threat of one of America’s greatest disasters.
“Jamal works exceptionally well getting strong performances from his cast, with Sam Lothard and Lamar K. Cheston creating a rock-solid sense of friendship as Tupelo and Youngblood. Shaun Nicole McCarthy portrays Char as the warm heart of the play, and when given a chance to be vicious, Shanita Bivins and Corey Lankford, as Maxine and Eugene, are delightfully nasty.”
– Ted Hoover, City Paper
“‘Hercules’ is ultimately about hope and forgiveness. A play powerfully written, directed and performed.”
– Claire DeMarco, ‘Burgh Vivant
Reviews: Pittsburgh in the Round, Burgh Vivant, City Paper, Post-Gazette
Shanita Bivins
Corey Lankford
Shaun McCarthy
Lamar K. Cheston
Artistic Associate: Monteze Freeland
Graphic Design: Eric S. Donaldson