January 2014

Poe’s Last Night
Written by and starring David Crawford
Directed by Monteze Freeland
Reviews: City Paper, Post-Gazette
Followup and interview: Post-Gazette
February – March 2014
The Great One
By Russ Babines
Directed by Don DiGiulio
“The whole edifice of memory and insight culminate in a satisfying epiphany for Molly and the audience.” – Christopher Rawson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“The company’s multimedia production is dazzling…. Those who admired [Tressa] Glover’s energy in City Theatre’s Charles Ives Take Me Home can savor that spark again, served with even more versatility.” – Michelle Pilecki, City Paper
A sports commentator returns to her hometown of Pittsburgh to mourn a childhood friend, and reminisces about the period of her life between the Pirates’ 1971 World Series win and the New Year’s Eve 1972 death of Pirates rightfielder Roberto Clemente. A tale of family, friendship, and redemption, plus Roberto Clemente and the Pittsburgh Pirates! Tressa Glover stars in this one-woman show.
May 2014
Comfort Zone

By Marlon Erik Youngblood.
Directed by Mark Whitehead.
Videos: Moments from the show
Reviews: City Paper, Post-Gazette
Preview: New Pittsburgh Courier
June 2014
Pittsburgh Pride Theater Festival
Produced under the auspices of Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company, the Festival showcases one-act plays in which the central characters and stories are lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgendered (LGBT). This festival presents a special opportunity for both LGBTQI and mainstream theatre artists and audience members.
Featured plays:
- Shaving the Beard, by Nik Nemec, directed by Ted Hoover. With Kyle Coughlin, Anthony Chase Gullikson, and Felicia Cooper.
- Mercy, by Staci Backauskas, directed by Ja’Sonta Roberts‐Deen. With Jezebele Zbozny-Delpercio and Brittany Dorazio.
- (Un)Packing, by Keith Foster, directed by Ted Hoover. With Ryan Westwood and Connor Bert.
- Nightingale, by Carol Mullen, directed by Ja’Sonta Roberts‐Deen. With Alaina Gilchrist, Crystal Noel, Samantha Westervelt, and Sarah Paulson.
Review: City Paper
A festival video is available at the link below.
October 2014
Book of Ezra
Written by and starring Leslie Ezra Smith.
Directed by Mark Clayton Southers.
Reviews: City Paper, Post-Gazette
Preview: City Paper (cover story), New Pittsburgh Courier
December 2014
Christmas Star

By Ray Werner
Directed by Monteze Freeland
Reviews: City Paper
A video of this production is available at the link below.
December 2014
Ubuntu Holiday

By Kim El.
Directed by Mils James.
Review: City Paper
Followup: New Pittsburgh Courier