The Ninth Annual Theatre Festival in Black and White, Pittsburgh Playwrights’ signature event. The festival ran November 3rd through November 17th, 2012.
- The Tool, By Mike Schwartz. Directed by Ron Black. With Marcus Muzopappa, Tonya Lynn, Barney McKenna.
- The Vows, By Devonne Goode. Directed by Kaitlin Mausser. With LaTrea Rembert, Lamar Fields, Jamilah Muhammed, Cheryl White.
- Diseased, By Eva Diodati. Directed by Lissa Brennan. With Barney McKenna, Andy Kirtland, Lissa Brennan.
- Styrofoam Cup, By Judy Meiksin. Directed by Myneesha Miller. With Darla Eisler, Charlotte Miley.
- Bridge City, By Ted Elrick. Directed by Vendell Nasir II. With Alyse Hogan, Felicia Cooper, Harrison Single.
- Perception, By Alexis Payne. Directed by Kyle Bostian. With Brittany Jovan, Andy Kirtland, Tess DeStefano.
- The Home Stretch, By Les Abromovitz. Directed by Kim El. With AnneLouise Feeny, Claire Fraley, Staci Backauskas.
- Casual Fridays, By Pat Golden. Directed by Michael Moats. With Vendell Nasir II, Andy Kirtland, Mauricio Acousta, Monn Washing, Ian Pisarcik, Claire Fraley.
- Redneck Revenge, By Ray Werner. Directed by Tracey Turner. With T.C. Brown, Jamilah Muhammed, Bill Crean, Lissa Brennan, Leslie ‘Ezra’ Smith.
- Comfort Zone, By Marlon Youngblood. Directed by Mark Whitehead. With Anthony Chisholm, Edwin Lee Gibson, Mark Clayton Southers, Cheryl El-Walker, Monn Washington.
Reviews: Post-Gazette, City Paper, New Pittsburgh Courier
Preview with video interviews: Post-Gazette
Click to view or download the festival program (PDF format)